Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Getting There

We went to the doctor this morning for our weekly checkup. She said I am still only at 1 cm - but I am now 75% effaced. She seemed a little surprised at how low Noname is sitting and said that she didn't think I would make it to my due date!! But then said that labor is always a guessing game so anything is possible. I am siding with her though and still think he is planning an early arrival. She said everything looks great and we're scheduled to see her again next week- if I make it that long! :)


britt said...

good luck, with my first baby, i was completely patient but with #2 I hated being pregnant and couldn't wait to get her out. I was 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced for at least 6 weeks. She came a week early. best to you all.

Caterina said...

G'luck from me too! Although I can't relate to the waiting game, since my lil' guy came 5 1/2 weeks early, I do wish you a safe & painless ;) delivery.

Anonymous said...

Hope all goes smoothly and Baby NoName makes his appearance soon! Baby Francie is looking forward to meeting Noah and Baby NoName someday!
